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2023 OCP Global Summit



Scaling Innovation Through Collaboration

The OCP Summit is the premier event uniting the most forward-thinking minds in open IT ecosystem development. The Summit provides a unique platform for our global community to share insights, foster partnerships, and showcase cutting-edge advancements in open hardware and software. We invite you to join us at the OCP Global Summit 2023 on October 17-19 in San Jose. Engage with industry leaders, researchers, and pioneers from the open community to explore emerging trends, tackle complex challenges, and discover new opportunities to drive global innovation. Collaborate in discussions, workshops, and hands-on engineering sessions to accelerate the development of efficient, scalable, and sustainable open-compute solutions that will power the future of technology.

See our new offerings to the OCP ecosystem, including solutions for sustainable computing and next-generation applications.

• Next Generation Platform Adoption

• Networking Platforms 

• Liquid Cooling

• AI Solutions

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